The use of the internet or electronic media has become an important part in terms of improving performance both in the field of government agencies and various other professions. One profession that is known in the community is the Notary profession, a Notary as a general official whose job is to provide services to members of the public who need their services in making written evidence, especially in the form of authentic deeds in the field of civil law such as making sale and purchase deeds, deed of establishment of limited liability companies, Deeds of Fiduciary guarantees, Deeds of Inheritance Rights, Deeds of Wills, Deeds of Cooperation agreements and others, establishment of a notary is an implementation of the evidentiary law. This study examines notary services electronically from the point of view of implementation, regulation and legal certainty as an embodiment of the concepts of Cyber Notary and E-Notary. Through a normative juridical approach with descriptive analytical methods it was found that in terms of substance, structure and culture, Indonesia still requires various kinds of adjustments, updates and collaborative strategies to form a harmonization of regulatory aspects, support from technological infrastructure and human resources and trust in the notary's position Alone . It is necessary to make improvements related to the harmonization of substance in regulations related to the position of Notary and supporting facilities and infrastructure.
Key Words: Notary Services, Cyber Notary and E-Notary
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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Ellelktronik
Sumber lain
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